Wednesday, 21 January 2009

in the absence of having anything coherent/intelligent to say

i've decided to continue living by the old picture-says-a-thousand-words adage - so if i just keep flooding the blog with pictures, hopefully no-one will notice that i haven't got around to writing the sessions up properly yet.

so, here are a couple from the launch of the horizon report, firstly to prove that anyone who's anyone thinks that it's a key report to get hold of:

you can check out the horizon report at so i won't repeat anything that you can pick up more articulately from elsewhere. one interesting thing that did come out was the notion of a 'device ecology' of mobile, wireless devices, and the question about whether we're living in a world of diminishing privacy (there was some mention of people taking/receiving phone calls in the, erm, bathroom, which i won't go into here - the very thought of it! - though i do recall someone who was temporarily based somewhere on level 7 using the toilets as a place to make private calls. i never did get what that was about.).

on a more serious note, one of the key technologies highlighted in the horizon report is the semantic web. now then, i used to struggle with understanding what the heck this semantic web lark was all about, but i think i've finally cracked it. i wouldn't expect any of you to be able to grasp the intricacies of it, so have tried to re-create it visually for you as an equation - while claiming 2 tony hart bonus points for myself, hopefully this will help you begin to understand:


  1. It's a good job you've chosen to use acceptable language then, after that foul-mouthed tirade I heard torrenting from your mouth last week.

    UxEng dictionary:

    "Tirade - a disgusting-tasting fizzy drink containing the flavour of tyres(or tires, if West of the Atlantic)"

    (why does is always take 2 attempts to suibmit my comments?)

  2. Your diagram is too small. Can you post a larger version so I can understand it?

    I think it takes everyone twice Richard. Must be broken comment feature.

  3. foul mouthed? moi? good lord, surely not! 1 point for tirade; 1 point for the exceptionally cute squirrel picture :)

    brian - don't flatter yourself, i don't think you'd *really* be able to grasp the subtleties even with a real sized picture. but, just for you, i'll re-post a larger version later. don't get your hopes up, though - it's kinda technical.
